We at RE:Frame believe that people who experience systemic oppression due to their race, gender, incarceration, ability, wealth, age, and more, have a lived experience that matters and must be included as an integral part of conversations towards solutions. Entering into a space that takes into account the lived experiences of young people first, is no different than spaces that place the lived experience of black and brown folxs, and queer folxs first (as example). If you wouldn’t say it to a peer, or another systematically oppressed individual, then don't say it to a young person.
What is my tone of voice with adults vs young people?
How do I practice body autonomy with adults vs young people?
How do I make decisions with adults vs young people?
What expectations do I have for adults vs young people?
How long have adults been talking since a young person spoke?
How are my physical movements and expressions impacting the conversation?
Am I physically showing equal attention and curiosity towards what a young person is saying?
Am I using language that is describing “youth” as a singular entity/monolithic?
Why do I feel the need to describe my experience?
Did I ask to share my opinion or thoughts?
Am I cutting young people off mid-sentence?
Am I expressing myself as a savior using I statements to describe the accomplishments of a young person?
Am I believing to be true the experience of this young person?
See young people with as much value and experience as adults.
Pay young people for their time, thoughts, and work.
Build payscales and partnership rooted in an asset-based approach focused on strengths and values.
Give Respect and Love, not earn it. Regardless of age.
Ask curious questions to learn more. Not sound curious to be right.
Learn when to be quiet. Learn when other voices need to be heard before your own.
Not see each other as enemies, but a community against colonial white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
See no “Future Leaders”. Young people to be seen for their current leadership skills and abilities.
Hear young people to speak for themselves.
Hold no assumptions, only ask questions.
Holding Disagreement and Being Accountable
Hold disagreement as you would with any systematically oppressed group you are not a part of. If you wouldn’t say it and show up that way with them, don’t do it with a young person. It is through building your own self reflective practice that you can learn how to show up. This is not the labor of young folxs.
Wow, you are so smart for a 14 year old Wow, you are so smart! I am learning so much from you. Its just a phrase you will grow out of it. This sounds really important to you. I want know more about it. Well, it's because you don't have enough experience yet to do it.This does sound really challenging. What support do you need? This will blow over. Its not a big deal.I see you may be feeling a lot of emotions, which emotion is feeling the strongest for you? Young people don’t show up because they are lazy. What about our behavior is blocking young people from feeling safe and excited to come thru? How smart are you? (judgment based). In what ways are you smart? (leadership framework)